Setup for the workshop
Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
To have the Ubuntu VM running in VirtualBox, or
To know which tools to used and where to find the data for local installation
For the workshop we use Ubuntu Linux as the main Operating System. We have created a VirtualBox image, including all the necessary tools and data. You are of course welcome to use your own Linux-based system.
Installing the VirtualBox image
VirtualBox is a virtualization tool from VMWare and is freely available. The Windows systems in use for this workshop at Wageningen UR already have it installed.
The ubuntu image can be obtained upon a request. Send email to Andrzej S. Czech for a download link. Please, download the image and store it on a local hard drive. A network location usually does not work, so it is better to store it locally.
The next steps will install and run the Ubuntu image:
- Start VirtualBox
- Select New from the top-left (the blue ‘star’)
- Give the virtual machine a name, for example Genomics. Type is Linux and Version Ubuntu (64-bit), or Linux (64-bit). Click ‘next’.
- Select Memory size: keep the setting in the green, but above 1GB. For this workshop we recommend to use 80% of the available memory. Click ‘next’
- Load the image by selecting ‘Use an existing virtual hard disk file’ and locate the .vdi file. Click ‘create’.
- Open Settings -> System -> Processor and select almost all CPUs: leave 1 for the host.
- Clicking Start (green arrow) should now start Ubuntu and you will automatically login.
- It is now recommended to leave the host system alone and work only on the Ubuntu virtual machine.
The image is a regular Ubuntu install, so if you install this on your laptop or desktop you can continue to use it.
The password for the user is genetwister and the Ubuntu user has superuser access (‘sudo’).
Installing the data and tools on your own Ubuntu
The list of tools used for workshop:
- Java 8
- Assembly-stats
- Minimap2
- Canu
- Platanus
- Mummer 4
- Samtools & BCF tools
- Tablet
- Integrative Genomics Viewer (optional)
The workshop code folder contains a shell-script which installs all required packages.
The data are available upon a request. Send email to Andrzej S. Czech for a download link.
Origin of the data
For this workshop we have selected read data sets and a particular region of a cultivar of Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale cress).
Rounding up
The data folders also contains, next to the raw data, all intermediate and end results. So if for some reason a step in the exercise fails to produce any results you can still continue.
Key Points
VM can be used after the workshop
Installing required packages on own machine may require root privileges.
Used applications